Highlights include:
- GAAP Based Accounting
- Site Based Management and Requisitions
- Bid Purchasing
- Fixed Assets
- Invoicing
- Data Base Audit
- Document Imaging
- Budget Preparation Web Based Portal

Budgetary Accounting module is a comprehensive system for school districts based on GAAP accounting. With all the features you need to cover site based requisitions, budget preparation, bid purchasing, invoicing, fixed assets, state reporting and more, this software will help your central office run like a top. State defined account codes are the basis of much of the structure of the package, with additional segments possible. Through the use of predefined debit/credit tables that are associated with each account code, journal entries are made automatically and transparently. Direct access to the General Ledger is also available.
In addition to all the standard features you expect, the system includes:
- A date driven design allowing subsidiary and general ledger reports to be run before closing an accounting period.
- A quick and convenient way of adjusting prior period entries and distributions while creating a comprehensive audit trail.
- A revenues capability that in addition to tracking the usual state, federal and local receipts, conveniently maintains detailed records on individuals for tuition or after school programs.
- Perhaps the most valuable function the SMARTS Budgetary Accounting software provides is the ability to generate reports quickly. General Ledger reports, expenditure reports, receipt reports and other reports are available with just a mouse click.
Budgets can be handled in a variety of ways, including budget justification that can be configured with account restrictions. On the expenditure side, the software handles purchase orders, partial or full payments on purchase orders, the generation and printing of checks and check reconciliation. In addition, provisions are made to allow for changing circumstances such as refunds, check voids and the need for account redistribution. On the revenue side, the system allows for the entry of estimated revenues, actual revenues and cash receipts.
The Budgetary Accounting system is fully integrated with other, corollary modules such as Site Based Management, Requisitions, Bid Purchasing, Fixed Assets and Human Resources/Payroll.
The Requisitions module adds levels of security to the system. The program prevents the creation of hand checks, payments on purchase orders and the printing of purchase orders until the purchase is electronically approved. Since users can only log on the system with password protection, and since each user can be assigned a unique menu structure, it is possible to assign only certain users with the capacity to approve purchase orders.
The bid purchasing and comprehensive database audit software makes easy work of tracking vendor products and the bidding process itself. A database of the products purchased by your district and the products offered by each vendor is utilized to print bid sheets that can be mailed or faxed to each appropriate vendor. As the bids are returned, a reporting function offers a summary of bids and products so that you can choose the right vendor.
Finally, document imaging is standard. This allows documents such as business registration certificates and political disclosure forms to be scanned and attached to a vendor’s record. For purchase orders/requisitions items such as a catalog pages can be attached.
Why not contact Computer Solutions, Inc. and schedule a demonstration?